Dynevor Days

Dynevor Days is a project of the Old Dy’vorians’ Association designed to give Swansea school children the chance to enjoy outdoor learning experiences.

Over the next three years, five Swansea schools will have the chance to provide outdoor learning experiences for approximately 700 Year 6 pupils.

Planned to tie-in with Wales Outdoor Learning Week, participating schools will receive funding to organise an outdoor learning event for their Year 6 pupils.

Everyone taking part will have the opportunity to showcase their outdoor learning experience on dynevordays.com.

In a climate where school funding does not make provision for such discretionary events, it is hoped that Dynevor Days can inspire and provide memories for Swansea’s younger generation.

The participating schools in year one (2023-24) are:

  • Sea View Community Primary School
  • St Helen’s Primary School
  • St Thomas Community Primary School
  • Terrace Road Primary School
  • Townhill Community Primary School

The schools selected were feeder schools to Dynevor School in its latter days, with additional nearby guest schools.

Participating schools will be invited in September of each year, with funding in place for an initial three years.

Dynevor Days is funded by donations from Old Dy’vorians.