Welcome to Dynevor Days

Over the years,  the  Old Dy’vorians’ Association  has supported schools by making donations to enhance  pupils’ experience. We have been encouraged by the use schools have made of these funds and the enthusiasm of the children involved.

Dynevor Days is our most ambitious project so far.

We hope you will be as excited as we are about the new initiative you will read about on this site.

Wales Outdoor Learning Week

Dynevor Days was inspired in part by Wales Outdoor Learning Week, a magnificent project by Natural Resources Wales and Wales Council for Outdoor Learning.  Whilst Dynevor Days supports Wales Outdoor Learning Week (22-28 April 2024), participating schools are free to schedule activities in line with their own timetable requirements.

Learning Through Landscapes promotes the benefits of outdoor learning.

“Taking learning outdoors can enhance education and improve mental health

Outdoor learning improves child development, supports mental health and wellbeing, deepens nature connection and promotes more inclusive and engaging learning.”

The Muddy Hands report on Outdoor Classroom Day 2018, sums it up”

“Children’s lives are now far more stressful than in the past, alongside higher academic expectations, there are pressures created by social media use, which can monopolise children’s time and attention, affect their body image, or expose them to age-inappropriate content. Many children are under more time pressure, more peer pressure and more pressure to succeed. Getting outdoors is the cheapest and easiest way to reduce this pressure so children (and adults) feel less stressed.”

And let’s face it – happier, healthier children are more motivated and eager to learn; a winning outcome from all angles.

For further information on outdoor learning, we recommend:

Wales Outdoor Learning Week

Wales Outdoor Learning (NRW)

Absolutely Education

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    Thank you so much for the information; the website looks fantastic.

    Thank you so much for the instructions too, everything reads fantastically well.

    Please pass on our appreciation to the web designers and to the donor.

    C. Farrant
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    Wow this is incredible! And so, so generous.  We’re delighted to be working with you on this initiative. The children were super excited when we spoke to them (about it).

    K. Brodrick (Yr 6 Teacher) - Townhill Community Primary School
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    Thank you SO much! I really appreciate the money that you sent us to and I just want to say how much I am looking forward to this. It will be really fun to do outdoor activities with my friends.

    Yr 6 Pupil - Townhill Community Primary School
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    We are very grateful as a school for such a wonderful opportunity and we thank you for your extremely generous donation. Our pupils are extremely enthused by this project and are looking forward to the “Dynevor Day” activity itself. The planned activities will provide opportunities for our Y6 pupils to develop a range of skills in the outdoors, both physically and socially.

    P. Owen, Headteacher -Townhill Community Primary School
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    Oh my goodness this is amazing!  Thank you so much.  This has made my day! Please pass on our sincere thanks to the ODA – we really look forward to continuing to work with you for the following 3 years.

    J. Dunn Headteacher - Seaview Community Primary School
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    It sounds very exciting and very generous and something that we would be very grateful for! I already have some ideas in mind for the type of activities we could arrange. We are VERY excited and VERY keen for this.

    G. Bezodis, Yr 6 teacher - Terrace Road Primary School
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    Such exciting news, we are absolutely thrilled with this very generous offer, and would like to be part of this project, thank you for thinking of us.

    A.Evans Head - Terrace Road Primary School
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    I am still in shock with regards to the kindness of the ODA and the individual benefactor. Please pass on our appreciation and gratitude for being included this year. £1500 for our Year 6 (increased to £2500 due to the school having 2 Yr 6 classes) to engage in outdoor learning is unbelievably generous. Thank you so much.

    Dynevor Days (love the name!), I think the concept of the ODA and what you all achieve is superb. It really is lovely to see such commitment and enthusiasm for keeping the school’s memory alive, and the positive impact you are having on school children today. We are delighted to be involved with you.

    R. Dwyer, Headteacher - St Thomas Community Primary School
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    Thank you so much for considering our pupils for this donation. The project sounds amazing and I am sure that the children are going to be enthralled with the opportunities the money provides.

    C. Farrant, Yr 6 teacher - St Thomas Community Primary School
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    Amazing news and such a generous offer indeed. Please pass on my appreciation of this very kind donation. It is going to make a big difference!

    N. Fredrikson Headteacher - St Helen’s Primary School